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Overseas Filipino Workers Amidst Pandemic

Overseas Filipino Workers, our Unsung Heroes

Overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) also known as Filipino unsung heroes refer to Filipino migrant workers who left their loved ones and reside outside the Philippines for a limited period for employment. Overseas Filipino Workers have been helping the Philippine economy over decades now. Remittance inflows to the Philippines have been on a rise and have steadily increased to over $35.5 billion in 2019. Based on the results of the 2019 Survey on Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), the number of Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who worked abroad at any time during the period April to September 2019 was estimated at 2.2 million but where are our unsung heroes now in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic?

Overseas Filipino Workers in Distress

According to the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), an estimated one million Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) may end up jobless as a result of, and amid the coronavirus diseases 2019 pandemic and remittances are expected to fall by up to 6.9% in 2020. Currently, the coronavirus crisis has affected the jobs of about 343,000 Overseas Filipino Workers so how would these 343,000 Overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) feed their families?

The New Normal for Overseas Filipino Workers

Due to pandemic, companies are in an effort to keep their overhead low by reducing their full-time headcount, and therefore their benefit and healthcare costs, companies are hiring more freelancers now than ever. Fewer full-time workers mean companies can grow or contract their workforce as needed. These positive incentives for corporations to hire temporary workers means that freelancers are in greater demand and that demand is continuing to grow. With more work available, it's easier to make a living freelancing than it ever has been before. In the United States, freelancing has gone up 8% in the last three years and statistics show that by 2027, over half the workforce is going to be either independent consultants or freelancers. Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) who lose their jobs may take advantage of this so-called new normal to help them back in shape, regain their hopes, and feed their families.

Overseas Filipino Workers' New Beginnings

There are organizations that extend help, guidance, and training to new in freelancing endeavors. One of the most reliable and respected organizations I have known is Filipino Virtual Assistance or FVA. Filipino Virtual Assistance goal is to provide online job courses to freelancers, virtual assistance services to brands and businesses, and franchising opportunities to the FVA family. FVA core is for excellence, effectiveness, and efficiency in equipping Filipino families with one freelancer at a time. The organization is offering various courses that our Overseas Filipino Workers can take advantage of at very reasonable prices and in the past four years in the industry, over 15,000 people all over the world have trained by this organization. Filipino Virtual Assistance and Kabayan Virtual Aide Services will work together in helping our unsung heroes, Overseas Filipino Workers to start a new and brighter career in freelancing and become successful in this field.


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